Category Archives: Happiness Mantra

Zen masters call the state of meditation the season of autumn, when all the leaves fall and the trees are standing bare, naked. When consciousness drops all thoughts, it is like a tree without leaves, without foliage, exposed to the wind, to the moon, to the sun, to the rain – uncovered, unhidden. In that […]

If you come across a champak flower you will see a very ordinary flower not worth looking at twice. But it is the most precious of flowers. It contains the greatest perfume possible. So always remember, appearance is not the real determining factor in life. The container is of no importance; but the content is. […]

OSHO - I Say Unto You Never Choose

God has no form, no name, no definition. God is indefinable, indescribable, inexpressible. Hence one can only know about God only if one remains silent. There is no proof, no logical certainty, but there is something existential! God can be an experience! Related posts: No related posts.

Meditation is a way to attain peace; it is not a cultivation of peace, but an awareness of your thoughts, awareness of what you are doing, thinking and  feeling . It’s a three-dimension awareness. One dimension is action, the second is thought and the third dimension is feeling. All these dimensions have to be watched […]