Love, bliss, meditation, truth, all need great strength. One has to be together: ordinarily people are just fragments. There are thousands of pieces, but there is no integrity. To be weak means to be divided, to be undivided is strength. And whenever you are undivided, you literally become an individual: the word individual means indivisible. […]
Category Archives: Happiness Mantra
The past is a barrier. Unless one is courageous enough to die to the past, one cannot be rewarded by true life. And this death has to happen each moment because each moment we are creating the past. It is not that once you have died to the past, the whole thing is finished. After […]
I teach fearlessness and freedom. Freedom from fear is the greatest quality needed to know godliness, needed to know bliss, needed to know truth. So come into the open, into the sky. Drop all fears because all those fears are false. And enjoy the adventure of life with all its dangers, with all its insecurities. […]
Meditation prepares you to receive love. Existence is always ready to give it, but we are not ready to receive it, we are not empty enough to receive it. We are so full of rubbish; we are so full of thoughts, desires, memories, dreams, that there is no space within us. That space has to […]
God is oceanic, infinite, unbounded. We have fallen apart from God because we have become identified with boundaries, with the boundaries of the body and the boundaries of the mind. Those boundaries are keeping us away. Just get rid of the boundaries. I’m not saying to get rid of your body; the body is perfectly […]
Passion is the lowest rung and compassion is the highest rung of a ladder, but both belong to the same ladder. Remember, when passion becomes conscious, it becomes compassion. When passion is unconscious, it is cruel, it is ugly, it is animal. Just bring more consciousness into your being and you start moving toward divinity; […]
Life is such a joy for those who are tender, soft, loving, compassionate, sensitive. Then life itself is proof: in thousands of ways it proves that God is. But to the hard, to the rock like person, there is no proof for God. God cannot be proven for him because he has no sensitivity to […]
Worship nature. Go into the forest, go to the river, go to the ocean. Then you are going to something God-made, and God is closer when you are close to his creation. To worship his creation is the only way to worship him. He is invisible, but his creation is visible. His creation has to […]
Growth is an uphill task, and this is the greatest challenge. This is the Everest, the highest climb dangerous, hazardous. But the more dangerous it is, the more enchanting, the more intriguing, the more interesting. The more dangerous it is, the more adventure it contains. Related posts: No related posts.
Reaching toward that inner flame is really an arduous path with many pitfalls. Moving in darkness, one stumbles; moving in darkness, one gets hit; moving in darkness, one falls and has to rise again. You need constant encouragement, constant support, somebody to prevent you from running away and escaping. That’s the function of the master, […]