Happiness is the fruit of compassion and response

It is not the external situations and circumstances that create stress; it is our reaction. Spirituality is to rise above a reaction that is ego driven to a response that can come through pause, mindfulness, alertness. Happiness is the fruit of compassion and response! Happyho also provide best Meditation classes and yoga classes in Noida and […]

Do not procrastinate the present if you want a future – Nagesh Alai

Nagesh Alai

The life moves from moment to moment. This present moment is all the time that you have in your life. If you procrastinate you waste the moment and with every wasted moment the possibility of a brighter future is lost. Happyho also provide best Meditation classes and yoga classes in Noida and Delhi NCR India area. […]

Relaxation is the gateway to the world of infinite wisdom and creativity

Relaxation is the gateway to the world of infinite wisdom and creativity! The most wondrous discoveries in the world of science, art, literature, music, have come to humanity through the doors of human minds in a state of relaxed poise and sudden revelation of intuitive rapture! Become the conduit; the instrument of the Divine, all […]