Always find time to read the biographies of self-realized masters, and seek the company of the holy ones. They help you to keep your thoughts aligned with the thought of God. Never force anything to happen. Things happen as they aught to happen. As you accept and see the intention of God you will realize […]

0Only sharanagati (surrender) is the way. In the midst of mundane repetitive life we need to bring in the dimension of our innate reality of the fearless Self. When we offer our ego to the Mother She transforms the ignorance into the light of our soul, the wisdom that everything happens in its own time […]

The day you realize that you are seeking and searching your eternal Mother, then your heart and soul only cries for Her, only to have the darshan which will burn all the karma of the past. She has bound you only She can free you. Trust me, if you cry for Her She makes you […]

Guru-shakti is your only refuge. Guru and Mother are one and the same. The more you surrender the conditions of your mind to the light of your Guru or Teacher, the more your sanskar, the dormant negative tendencies, the cause of unhappiness, is burned. Guru and God is our only refuge. Everything else should be […]