. The day is not far when the thin line between physics and meta-physics will dissolve and we will all agree there is One Source, One God, one Truth, one Life in its eternity. That all differences are mind made. That all violence and war are man made. That peace is the very essence of love, […]

People spend so much time with art, literature, and everything in this world to know more and enjoy, but somehow postpone persevering through the practice of meditation. Only, only, meditation can take us to our inner world where peace and beatitude wait for us eternally. The outer anchors are only to take you to the […]

Angels are the very embodiment of all positive forces of light, they are all around you, and ready to help you connect to the Higher Intelligence and divine forces. Once you stop allowing your mind to dwell on the negative past and worries of the future, and surrender to Light, they are right there to […]

Meditation is not to go deep within and lose oneself in the bliss of divinity only. Meditation is to experience the Source, and bring the gems out of that ocean and share and share with the world acts of compassion and pure love and embodiment of selfless action. Shuddhaanandaa Brahamchari Related posts: No related posts.