Life is a continuous process of learning! Making mistakes is very human. We make mistakes and enrich our experience and move on. Acceptance first, acting to consciously change is next. When we are mindful we come to the present that is free of all conditions. The awareness of the present helps us to have the […]

We need to be continually vigilant about our own mind. The slightest unmindfulness can invite negative visitors into our mind and pull us away from our innate Divine Self. How do you know you have moved away from your Soul? You will feel a sense of loss of peace of mind and focus on the […]

Repetition of the Divine Name is the simplest path to dispel the lower forces from your mind. Naama, or Mantra are most powerful for they have been chanted from timeless time. Guru says keep doing japa with love and surrender, the rest is His grace and natural unfoldment of the flow of life soaked in […]