The more difficult it is the more you are challenged. The more difficult it is the more you put all your being at stake; you are ready to gamble. And of course more hope arises and more desire to possess the woman.
Loneliness is not always bad if one wants to ponder over the existential questions of life. It can become a real blessing in disguise.
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आत्मनिर्भर होने में देश ने कर दी देर, अब एक पल भी नहीं गंवाना: पीएम मोदी आईआईटी कानपुर के 54वें दीक्षांत समारोह में बोले मोदी, ‘आत्मनिर्भर भारत’ के लिए अधीर बनें आत्मनिर्भर भारत, पूर्ण आजादी का मूल स्वरूप ही है, जहां हम किसी पर भी निर्भर नहीं रहेंगे: प्रधानमंत्री * आईआईटी के विद्यार्थियों से प्रधानमंत्री […]
“It is taxing not to pay taxes.” Related posts: No related posts.
Life is always new, mind is always old. Life is never old, mind is never new. Hence they never meet, they can’t meet. Mind moves backward, life moves forward. So those who try to live life through the mind are simply doing something so utterly stupid that they day they recognize what they have been […]
Let go ego. These three small words are the most difficult – indeed, impossible! – to put into practice. Every one of us thinks that he/she has no ego. “Oh, I am the humblest and egoless person…” is the image we have of ourselves and want to project to others all the time.
In their book Emotional Intelligence 2.0 Travis Bradberry and Jean Greaves have explained how to feel emotions physically. When you experience an emotion, electric signals course through your brain and trigger physical sensations in your body. The physical sensations can be varied as your stomach muscles tightening, your heart rate increasing your breathing quickening, or […]
Yes, you have come to go through all your prarabdha, pains and sufferance of karmic consequences. But don’t get stuck. The goal is to realise that just as good days don’t last bad days don’t last either. The purpose of this dual experience is to realise that you will find true peace and happiness only […]
People with high Emotional Intelligence cope better under pressure. They acknowledge and learn from their mistakes and take criticism well.