By Sahil Gadhavi Education runs deep with everyone. It is something we all value as individuals as well as a society. When you introduce yourself to someone, they first ask you what you do, to which you inform them about your education and how that led to you working at so and so place. It […]
Eighty percent of Americans claim to be happy! But the situation is far from being as encouraging as it looks. Despite the improvement in material conditions, depression is now ten times as prevalent as it was in 1960 and affects an ever younger sector of the population. Forty years ago, the mean age of people succumbing to depression for the first time was twenty nine; today it’s fourteen.
Ramakrishna use to say that if a figure made out of Salt tries to fathom the depth of the ocean, it will fail. It will begin the search but it will never reach to the destination, because it is after all made of Salt – and as it falls into the oceans’s depths , it is dissolving, becoming absorbed .
When it starts happening enjoy it, love it, be nourished by it, savour it, dance it, sing it, but dont make a question about it. Just be it. And allow it total space. It will grow. If needs space in you to grow.
“Know your limits before you push your boundaries Related posts: No related posts.
The more money and success you chase the more random restlessness of mind you buy. that wild goose chase is the essential need of life. One who does not do it and realise its emptiness and stupidity, is not fit to reach out to higher domains of pure consciousness, a genuine spiritual life. Fulfil every […]
By Sahil Gadhavi Feminism has been a much contested word in the past two decades. It is not because the issue of sexism has suddenly escalated, no, it has always been there. However, in the past two decades women all over the world, especially the west, have really started protesting it. There have been attempts […]
Man is born as a quest. Man is not born as a complete being. A dog is born complete. A tree, a rock…. The whole of existence, except for man, has one similar thing: they are all complete. Only man is incomplete; hence man has an opening. Everything else is closed. A rose is a […]
The search continues whether you get anything or not. It seems irrelevant what you have got, what you have not got – the search continues anyway.
We call these pleasurable states that we value most moving toward values because these are the emotional states we will do the most to attain. What are some of the feelings that are most important to experience in your life on a consistent basis?