सपा सरकार में पिछड़ों की आबादी के बीच जबरन बनाये जाते थे संप्रदाय विशेष के धर्म स्थल – सोनकर दलितों, पिछड़ों को पीएम मोदी ने दिलाया सम्मान से जीने का हक- सोनकर दलितों और पिछड़ों के हित में सबसे ज्यादा काम भाजपा सरकार में हुआ है। सोशितों,वंचितों को सम्मान से जीने का हक प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र […]
महिलाओं को टिकट देना महत्वपूर्ण नहीं महिलाओं का उत्थान जरूरी-विमला बाथम महिलाओं को टिकट देने में कांग्रेस रही है फिसड्डी, साल 2017 के चुनावों में महिलाओं को राजनीति की मुख्यधारा से जोड़ने में बीजेपी अव्वल पिछले चुनावों में विपक्षी पार्टियों ने की महिलाओं की उपेक्षा, बीजेपी के मुकाबले कम दी सीटें विधानसभा चुनावों में आधी […]
टीकाकरण में यूपी अव्वल, नई नीति से प्रदेश में किया जा रहा टीकाकरण 14 करोड़ पहली डोज के करीब के पहुंचा यूपी यूपी में 9 करोड़ 55 लाख से अधिक हुए टेस्ट, 1070 संक्रमितों ने दी कोरोना को मात कोविड से बचाव की ट्रेसिंग, टेस्टिंग, ट्रीटमेंट की शानदार रणनीति के लिए सराहे जा रहे उत्तर […]
“Confine imagination to have captives at large.” Related posts: No related posts.
Start from the body, and then go, slowly, slowly, deeper. And don’t start anything else unless you have solved the first problem. If your body is tensed, don’t start with your mind. Wait. Work on the body first. Remember, small things are of immense help.
Physicists believe they have discovered a particle that is its own anti-particle, an idea that was first theorised 80 years ago. When the Big Bang created the universe out of nothing, scientists believe the explosion created equal amounts of matter and anti-matter. And, if they were ever to meet, they would annihilate each other, releasing […]
Good Karma brings happiness. Every good thought or small good action brings with it the blessings of the Karma of happiness. The seed of good Karma will bear fruits that ripen into joy and success in life. When you bring joy and peace in another person’s life, don’t forget you are clearing a karmic debt […]
We cannot be victorious on our own. If we try to be victorious on our own, we are bound to be defeated, we are doomed. Failure is absolutely certain, inevitable. It is like a small wave fighting against the whole ocean: it belongs to the ocean – how can it fight? It is like the […]
The human mind weaves upto seventy thousand thoughts per day, as per the findings of The Laboratory of Neuroimaging at the University of Southern California. There is an ongoing debate about whether that number holds true or not. But one thing we know for sure is that the mind never rests – whether sleeping or […]
Mihali Csiksgentmihalyi was struck by the fact that when the creation of a painting was going well, the artist was completely absorbed in his work and stayed with it to completion, unaware of being tired, hungry, or uncomfortable.