Highly emphatic people recognise that by words and pictures offer only second hand experience rather than the real thing, they deserve to be taken seriously, and not dismiss as little more than ‘ empathy lite.’ Why? because art has a long and distinguish history, going back centuries, of kicking our empathic selves into action, be it for the struggle against child labour or the anti war movement.
Man is a seed, but just a seed — he is of great potential, but nothing is actual. The seed can die as a seed without ever becoming a tree, without ever coming to flowering. Man is a seed of light. But ordinarily man is not resplendent, man is not luminous, for the simple reason […]
The word ” Meditation” and ” Medicine” come from the same root. Medicine means that which heals the physical and meditation means that which heals the spiritual. Both are healing powers. Another thing to be remembered : the world ” Healing” and the word ” Whole” also come from the same root. To be healed […]
Paradoxically, humility promotes strength of character: the humble person makes decisions on the basis of what he believes to be right and sticks by them without concern for his own image or the opinions of others.
If you truly want to see miracles happen in your life then don’t run for miracles; open your eyes and all sense preceptors to feel you are bathed in divine light all the time, that you are breathing God, that you are surrounded by His aura and that you are ever safe in His loving […]
Simplifying our life is about removing distractions. It’s about finding peace in the breathing room we gain from removing those distractions and mindfully choosing to place our time with that which matters most to us in life.
From this very moment, remember that you are not separate from existence. And don’t only remember, experiment: be one with the tree you are sitting beside, be one with the river you are swimming in, be one with the person whose hand you are holding. Slowly, slowly, experiment being one with the faraway star you […]
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“Give a long rope, the kite will soar. Happy Sankranti.” Related posts: No related posts.
भाजपा की केंद्र और राज्य की सरकार ने समाज के अंतिम वर्ग के कल्याण के लिए काम किये हैं – स्वतंत्र देव सिंह भारतीय जनता पार्टी के प्रदेश अध्यक्ष श्री स्वतंत्र देव सिंह ने गुरुवार को कहा कि भाजपा की केंद्र और राज्य की सरकार ने समाज के अंतिम वर्ग के कल्याण के लिए जितने […]