There are methods in buddhist practice devoted to cultivating loving kindness and compassion. Here, the meditations try to generate all pervading sense of benevolence, a state in which love and compassion permeate the entire mind.
Expression of gratitude is itself a very powerful healing energy! Don’t wait; keep pouring your gratitude to one and all! It will all come back to you as bounties of divine blessings and Grace! Related posts: No related posts.
Similarly, in this dog eat dog world where everyone is rushing to achieve and acquire, one needs to learn how to slow down. Look at our corporate lives, for instance, where we often forget the virtue of being patient. We are in such a hurry to get things done in a snap.
Everyone belongs to God. There is no other way. We are born in God, we live in God, we die in God. Our energy is God’s energy: God is simply the name of the total energy of existence. But the total is not arithmetical, the total is mysterious. It is not mechanical, it is organic. […]
“Neither does gaiety increase nor grief reduce by going public.” Related posts: No related posts.
No amount of tweeting could help the Occupy Movement clarify their very general political view, develop their leadership capacity and strategy, or maintain the passion of their supporters over a prolonged period. All these typically require face to face meeting and the hard, time-consuming work of collective organising.
We always look for solutions to our stress related problems of life but never pause and ponder and seek, not the solution, but the root of all problems in life. It is our constant mental chatter and our preconceived notions that cause all stress in life. Meditation is an art of retreating to the roots, […]
he most common length of time people waited was three months with an impressive 22%. As many as 14% admitted to saying it after six months, while 13% uttered those all important words within the first month. Not everyone is as reserved when it comes to expressing how they feel though, with 3% saying “I love you“ in as little as a week. At the more cautious end, 3% said it in nine months, 6% in a year and 2% in a staggerng two years.
Everyone is God, everything is God. Existence and God are two words for the same phenomenon. So don’t think of God in terms of a person who created the world, who controls The world, who manages the whole affair. Don’t think of him As a supreme boss — there is nobody like that. God is […]
Our culture teaches us that love just happens. As a result, most of us sit around waiting for someone to sweep us off our feet. But love doesn’t work that way. To get love and keep love you have to go out and be active, learn a variety of specific skills.