Our true home is our heart lighted by the aura of our positive thoughts and feelings. What good is that money and fame if the heart is not a good home! Did you ever ask why God resides in the heart? Love only Love! Related posts: No related posts.
society imposes artificiality on everybody. It calls it culture, civilization, education. It gives it big mimes, but the real thing is that it makes you artificial. lt teaches you to repress nature. My whole effort is to help you to be natural again because it is only through nature that one can come to godliness. […]
We have to break the chains of superstition. First make sure there are any chains, otherwise you may break somebody’s arms and legs in the process. Chains can only be broken if there are any. What if there are none?
Death is a process of revival,. Just as each individual has to die to be born again. Each society , each civilisation has to pass through life to death from death to life again. Indian culture is the only culture which has not died for thousand of years. There have been many culture in the […]
Pessimism may support the realism we so often need. In many arenas of life, optimism is unwarranted. At times we do fail irretrievably, and seeing those times through rose coloured glasses may console us but will not change them.
हर शहर में माफियाओं से मुक्त कराई भूमि पर बनेंगे गरीबों के महल: योगी 2017 के पहले और बाद का फर्क देखना हो तो आएं यूपी के शहरों में: महापौरों, चेयरमैनों और पार्षदों के सहयोग से अब तक काबू में रहा कोरोना: मुख्यमंत्री* पार्षदों से सीएम का आह्वान, जाएं, बीमारों का हालचाल लें, कराएं 100% […]
घर से निकलने के पहले बुक कर सकेंगे पार्किंग स्पेस। मनचाही जगह खड़ी कर सकेंगे अपने वाहन। वाराणसी में बने अत्याधुनिक चारों पार्किंग के लिए बन रहा ऐप। काशी के कायाकल्प से पर्यटकों व उद्यमियों की वाराणसी में बढ़ी आमद। देश डिजिटल इंडिया की तरफ तेजी से बढ़ रहा है। इसकी बानगी आपको वाराणसी में […]
Curiosity remains valued in the arts and sciences today. But it is limited by our enlightenment inheritance, which assumes that curiosity should be applied to ideas and object, rather than people. One recent study, for instance defines curiosity as an exploratory inquisitiveness about ‘ what we don’t know’, omitting any reference to Who we don’t know we should move beyond this inheritance and elevate curiosity about others into supreme virtue
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Buddha has been compared to a doctor, on the basis of these truths. In the first two, he diagnoses the problem. In the third one, he hints that there is a cure. And the fourth truth is the prescription using which one finds his or her release from suffering.