सपा, बसपा, कांग्रेस में होड़ कौन कितने बड़े दंगाई को प्रत्याशी बनाए: योगी दंगों के बाद महीनों कर्फ्यू से जीना था मुहाल, भाजपा शासन में एक भी दंगा नहीं: सीएम बिजनौर में बोले योगी, चाहते हैं माफिया न चलाये थाना तो बनानी होगा बीजेपी सरकार बिजनौर में सीएम योगी ने बजाया चुनावी बिगुल, घर-घर जाकर […]
कोरोना भी नहीं रोक पाया गुलाबी मीनाकारी कारीगरों के हाथ अगले दो महीने का आर्डर है कारीगरों के पास, पिछले तीन महीनों में 1 करोड़ का व्यवसाय जीआई टैग मिलने के बाद गुलाबी मीनाकारी से जुड़े कारीगरों को नई पहचान मिली वाराणसी में गुलाबी मीनाकारी के काम में जुड़े हैं करीब 80 परिवार के 300 […]
“Best befriend your mind for it can be your worst enemy” Related posts: No related posts.
So the first thing don’t try to go against anything because you will move to something which belongs to it. It looks opposite, but it not. Don’t move from sex to brahmcharya, If you are trying to move from sex to brahmcharya your brahmcharya will be nothing but sexuality.
The love story between Emmanuel Macron frontrunner for French presidency who married his teacher and 24 years senior to him, Brigitte Trogneux who is all set to be the first lady of France appears unusual to many. We often hear stories about love affairs where couples have hugely different age groups. Actually a loving heart […]
Sit quietly; take a few deep mindful breaths. Now breathe in and say to yourself ‘I am calm’ Breathe out and say ‘I am healed and healthy’. Feel calm and feel healed as you breathe in and out. If you have a mantra, chant the Holy mantra for sometime. Return to your breaths of calm […]
Experiencing grief is extremely personal and painful. But what is even more painful is our inability to comprehend it. In this article, we go through the five stages of grief, as outlined by Elisabeth Kübler-Ross in her 1969 book On Death and Dying, to see if their knowledge is more likely to help us when it comes to understanding our own grief.
A Wise man is naturally kingly. He may be a beggar, but he is still a king. His kingdom is of the within. He has inexhaustible treasures. He has overcome his unconsciousness; that’s what wisdom is. Wisdom is not knowledge, it is conquering the unconsciousness, it is full of light. Not even islands of darkness […]
“Nature wished the tongue to be soft; why be hard and harsh.” Related posts: No related posts.
Now coming to the heterodox category, we have the materialists or Carvakas, Jainas and Buddhists. Unlike the orthodox schools, the members of these philosophical systems do not believe in the authority of the Vedas.