Here’s a list of lessons you can learn from the life of the Blue God or the Destroyer – Lord Shiva!
The human mind weaves upto seventy thousand thoughts per day, as per the findings of The Laboratory of Neuroimaging at the University of Southern California. There is an ongoing debate about whether that number holds true or not. But one thing we know for sure is that the mind never rests – whether sleeping or […]
We often come across people who champion themselves as those who don’t need much time in helping someone trust them. Whereas in our case, the conversation does not flow beyond a small talk. It is the mark of a great character when one is known as a person who is open-minded, trustworthy and someone who […]
बुंदेलखंड और विंध्य के सैंकड़ों गांव में घर-घर पहुंचा पानी – ‘हर घर नल योजना’ से इस गर्मी नहीं रही पानी की किल्ल्त, गांव-गांव मिल रही जलापूर्ति – नमामि गंगे ओर ग्रामीण जलापूर्ति विभाग ने युद्ध स्तर पर पूरा किया फंक्शनल हाउस होल्ड कनेक्शन देने का काम – 59202 से अधिक घरों तक दिये पानी […]
सोमवार से प्रदेश भर में गूंजेगा ‘स्कूल चलें हम’ मुख्यमंत्री श्रावस्ती से करेंगे स्कूल चलो अभियान की शुरुआत अभियान में कम साक्षरता वाले जिलों पर विशेष फोकस, श्रावस्ती जिले की साक्षरता दर सबसे कम जनप्रतिनिधि ही नहीं, अधिकारी भी गोद लें प्राइमरी स्कूलों कोः सीएम स्कूलों के कायाकल्प में सीएसआर (कारपोरेट सोशल रिस्पांसिबिलिटी) की भी […]
जलशक्ति मंत्री श्री स्वतंत्र देव सिंह ने नमामि गंगे तथा ग्रामीण जलापूर्ति के अधिकारियों के साथ समीक्षा बैठक की प्रदेश के गांवों में मोबाइल पर अब बजेगी पानी की धुन ग्रामीणों के मोबाइल पर अब गूंजेगा सदेश ‘…बधाई हो आपके घर पहुंचेगा शुद्ध पानी’ जल शक्ति मंत्री ने नमामि गंगे और ग्रामीण जलापूर्ति विभाग के […]
“Moments perish, experiences cherish.” Related posts: No related posts.
Meditation in essence is not an act of doing. It is a natural state of your being. You can start doing it standing, walking, sitting or lying but when it happens, doing stops, being blossoms, enveloping you in peace and bliss unspeakable! Light only light! Related posts: No related posts.
Love is a flower and the most beautiful of all. It is invisible because it grows in the heart, but its fragrance is felt even from the outside. It opens in the heart, but its fragrance goes on spreading; it reaches other people too. It has so much fragrance that it can fill the whole […]
India is celebrating Hindu’s most reverential festival of Navratras. A festival dedicated to nine forms of Durga. Durga symbolises the Nari Shakti or so to say the power of woman. Hindu religion celebrates the female energy with much reverence. Hindu is the only religion in the world in which a woman is a Goddess. Blessed […]