Life is a gift. This body-mind is a gift. Opportunity to be on Mother Earth along with all Her creations is a gift! You are a gift! Offer this gift to your Self, the Witness, the source of all life and light. In the light of your Spirit soul, as you practice to see these […]
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If you can love totally, unconditionally, then godliness is not far away. Then godliness is in the very heartbeat of your being. Wherever love is, God is. Love is the fragrance of God’s presence. So remember this, and destroy all that society has created in you to prevent you from remembering your reality. We are […]
If there’s anything that can aptly capture the enriching essence of Zen, it is a Haiku.
It is all about what environment we are creating inside of us that decides the fate of life. Habitual patterns are deep grooves in our brain and therefore force us to act unconsciously but once we start meditating a new groove can be created, this is neuro-plasticity.
Science is the search for truth in the objective world and religion is the search for the truth in the subjective world.
Recently someone who was having a certain difficulty in meditation sent me a question and wanted some help: “What forms of meditation are as effective as Zen in helping one become mindful? I have mild cerebral palsy and sitting still, relaxing and focusing on my breath is hard. The thought of sitting down to relax […]
मध्यप्रदेश में गांव-गांव तक चलेगी बस मध्य प्रदेश के मुख्यमंत्री शिवराज सिंह चौहान ने प्रदेश के ग्रामीण अंचलों को एक और सौगात दी है। उन्होंने घोषणा की कि प्रदेश के गांव-गांव में अब बसों का संचालन होगा, इसके चलने से लोगों को आने-जाने वाले परेशानियों से छुटकारा मिलेगा। साथ ही लोगों को बसों में लटककर […]
” Take the stage if you want to call the shots.” Related posts: No related posts.
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