The mystic approach toward life is the search for ultimate bliss. It has no concern with God as such, directly. Of course God comes into the experience of the mystic, but his search is for bliss. When he finds bliss, he finds God too, as the other side of the coin. Hence mysticism has no […]

When you are in true love with the Divine you are empowered from within. Worries and tensions no longer occupy the space of your mind, Japa and contemplation of the holy mantra cleanses the subconscious patterns and ushers in a Blissful inner environment where you thrive in the flood of Light.When you give yourself to […]

Let us not do the same thing the same way. Let us not think the same thoughts that create an unhappy future. Let us not breathe unconsciously missing every moment our connection to Prana-shakti which strengthens our immune system and keeps our mind calm and peaceful.  Be mindful. Be meditative, be grateful, be available to […]