Don’t unconsciously repeat your past. Your inner world waits for you to explore the infinite potentials, lying untapped, un-discovered. Imagine your whole body runs automatically from breathing to beating of the heart, from digestion to assimilation, but your anxieties and fears ruin the natural balance of body-mind. Let the inner change first. Outer will change […]

Laughter is one of the most divine experiences, but very few people really laugh. Their laughter is shallow. Either it is just intellectual, or just a facade, or just a formality, or just a mannerism. If a man can laugh totally, wholeheartedly, not holding anything back at all, in that very moment something tremendous can […]

Do our past decisions define us?

“The Past is behind you, the lessons from there are meant to push you ahead and not to pull you back” – Krish quotes Do you regret or relish your past decisions? Have your past decisions made your life difficult or enjoyable? Do your decisions haunt you? Do you curse yourself for taking the decisions […]

People take life for granted, hence there is no gratitude in them. And without gratitude there is no growth, without gratitude there is no religion, without gratitude there is no prayer. Religion begins in gratitude and ends in gratitude. It is a journey from gratitude to gratitude.  But the most fundamental fact is that life […]

Each one of us are continually receiving vibrations of infinite wisdom and support from higher worlds and astral Masters, the only thing missing is our attention, our matching frequencies. Meditation and a soulful life. Mindful life, boosts our vibrations to a higher level, and helps us to trust in our own self first, and feed […]


Life is a journey, a pilgrimage. It is not static, it is dynamic. Every moment, life is a surprise, an unending surprise, an unending suspense, a mystery which knows no beginning and no end. It is always moving towards the unknown. But because of our fear, we cling to the known and do not allow […]