Only when you make Witnessing your Breath, Mind, Thoughts and Emotions your daily priority in life will you gradually realise that before a negative thought or emotion overwhelms you, you are Aware and you can train your Brain not to react or resist. Related posts: No related posts.
Stress is nature’s design to keep us safe in our survival battle. It can garner all your attention and strength in no time when you are faced with trauma, toxins, or fears and anxieties. But it was meant to be ad hoc. Just to face the battle. But imagine stress all the time as undercurrent […]
Tell a person or your child only that which boosts his or her self-esteem. What you say has so much to do with the making of a right mind set for the others connected to you! Related posts: No related posts.
“Vapid talk by one can only lead to rapid silence of the other.” Related posts: No related posts.
To me, prayer has nothing to do with words. It is a silent gratefulness; it is utterly silent, but a deep gratefulness. It is possible only if you learn how to be blissful; otherwise there will be nothing to be grateful for. So I teach my sannyasins not prayer, but bliss. Dance, sing, be blissful, […]
Religion was meant to unite and bring humanity to an understanding and practice of peaceful coexistence. To heal one another. To bring the grace of the heavens to earth! May God manifest mercy and healing to the suffering humanity and Mother Earth! Related posts: No related posts.
I ask this question to myself from where do I get all the negative emotions, As a human being I have never asked for them but still they exist in me. But from where and how ? Fear breeds greed, hate, jealousy and anger. Then what is the fear? The fear is always of the […]
“Stick to your pace, your goal can not rush to you”. Related posts: No related posts.
“Let not later become a metaphor for never.” Related posts: No related posts.
Every morning is a mini birth , a new birth , and you have to praise existence – it has given you another day . We are not worthy , we have wasted yesterday , all the yesterdays . But it is generous , it has given us one more chance to try again , […]