From this moment,disconnect yourself from the past. Start counting your life from this moment.After a year you will be one year old.The life that has passed before was just a dream phenomenon. Now you have to awaken,you have to become more alert,more watchful more conscious. Related posts: No related posts.

Don’t unconsciously repeat your past. Your inner world waits for you to explore the infinite potentials, lying untapped, un-discovered. Imagine your whole body runs automatically from breathing to beating of the heart, from digestion to assimilation, but your anxieties and fears ruin the natural balance of body-mind. Let the inner change first. Outer will change […]

Is failure the best teacher?

Why failure is a great teacher? It teaches us about ourselves. When we fail, we learn things about ourselves that we would never have known otherwise. We learn what we are good at, and what we need to work on. This self-knowledge is invaluable, and it can help us to be our best selves. Thus, […]

Existence speaks in everyone’s heart, but we are so occupied in our heads that we never listen to that still, small voice within. There is so much clamoring, so much unnecessary noise – we have made the head a marketplace. The heart goes on calling and we remain deaf to it. Existence is not far […]