लखनऊ: CM योगी ने 1,745 मेधावी छात्रों व उनके परिजनों का किया सम्मान, कहा- प्रदेश में अब नकलविहीन होती है परीक्षा

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All your intellectual understanding of spirituality is just knowledge that belongs to others, your parents, teachers, saints, scriptures, gathered and stored as data in your brain bank. You can convince others and your ignorant mind that you know. Until you find yourself in the situation where your intellect fails and your deepest core cries for […]

The person who lives in the moment lives a vertical life – he grows in depth. And the deeper you go, the higher you rise. It is just like a tree: the roots go deep in the ground and the tree goes high in the sky; the deeper the roots, the higher the tree. It […]