Author Archives: Bodhi Shuddhaanandaa

To be hurt by someone you love is a very common experience in everyone’s life. You can be angry, upset, resentful, or looking for a chance to give tit for tat. This is the natural reaction of the ego-consciousness. If the situations recur then the negative brooding increases, and now the hurt is more self-inflicted. […]

It not just food that our body needs for survival. It is oxygen which we receive through breathing. As humans all over the world are more and more afflicted with negative stress they lose the natural power to breathe deep rhythmic breaths. Shallow breaths are rapid and short. You don’t receive enough oxygen and suffer […]

The only practice that can heal you and transform you is pure gratitude. Gratitude to all of life. This one thing is missing in humanity today. Gratitude can open all closed doors of your heart. It can instantly connect you to the whole of existence. It can make you feel holy in a holistic world. […]