Author Archives: Bodhi Shuddhaanandaa

We are more like onions. Onions have skins and layers of skin. We keep peeling it and a time comes nothing remains other than empty space! We too have layers and layers of our consciousness from solid gross to subtlest atoms, we never know this reality until we first come to hear about this higher […]

The world is gradually emerging into a new era of love and compassion. From the ashes of the past mistakes of humanity, in every sphere of human life, the phoenix is rising which would transcend the need of all these traditional religions of dogmas and divisiveness. Humanity is thirsting for a religion-less religion of pure […]

Many are the time-tested ways to unlock the hidden treasures of our infinitely potential soul. Chanting the Divine or the Holy Name is one such way. There are seekers who could take the repetition of the divine name to the level that they could hear every cell of their body chanting the Name. They could […]

Giving is receiving. The whole universe is a mirror, pure reciprocation. If you can bend your knees and hold the hands of someone in pain and sufferance and poverty, know that you have received from the universe an assurance of help of million hands when you need it. Give love, give inspiration, give forgiveness, give […]

The Holy Name of the Lord is our ultimate refuge. Naama Smarana, mindful repetition of the Japa mantra creates divine vibrations within us and resonates in every cell of our body healing and rejuvenating and taking us closer and closer to God. You and I are born to realise God. Only realise God! ~~ Bodhi […]