Author Archives: Bodhi Shuddhaanandaa

Self-respect and self-esteem are a positive part of a strong character. But EGO is not. Watch the difference. While one lifts you, the other destroys you. How do you know it is ego working? You will hanker for attention and recognition, even when you do charity or helping those who are in need. Your tricky […]

To be where you are needs you totally. It is not true that you are where your body is. Children are on the field playing while their bodies are at the study desk. Spiritual evolution demands your attention, your intention, your devotion to the single goal of life, to be fully aware of your indwelling […]

Good Karma brings happiness. Every good thought or small good action brings with it the blessings of the Karma of happiness. The seed of good Karma will bear fruits that ripen into joy and success in life. When you bring joy and peace in another person’s life, don’t forget you are clearing a karmic debt […]