Author Archives: Jwalant Swaroop

The Observer becomes the Observed

It happens in your life, sometimes only in a few moments when you love a person. That too is rare, because man’s mind never leaves him, even in love. It goes on creating its own nonsense, creating its own world. and the lover is no longer allowed such closeness that he reaches to the background.

How Can I Talk About Myself?

There is one particular way which always seems to work – to talk about our vulnerabilities and errors. To confess to someone about how sad we are, why our project at work got rejected and how that made us feel, why our partner won’t appreciate us anymore contains the least amount of our praises and yet the most amount of our authentic self. This approach never fails in winning over the hearts of the right people.

Gurupurnima – A day to express gratitude to our Guru.


Gurupurnima is the day to express gratitude for your Guru. Osho says guru is made of “Gu” and “Ru”. Where Gu stands for darkness and Ru stands who dispels the darkness. So Guru is the Light who takes away all your darkness. No language can translate this word it is so intrinsically eastern. Osho says that “Guru choose his disciple”. The calling is from Guru. So all those who got the calling from their Guru are fortunate ones.