In the final part of our series, we’d be looking at ways to deal when one is undergoing emotional abuse.

Acknowledge that you are in an abusive relationship

To understand that you are not guilty and are not to blame.  

Establish boundaries with the abuser

Help them understand mutual respect and that their behaviour might have consequences. Stand up for yourself. Do not engage with an abusive person. This can even mean blocking or removing the person out of your life. Happy Ho organizes best Meditation and Tarot classes in Noida and Delhi NCR area in India.

You cannot “fix” the abuser

You do not have control over another person’s decisions, the choices they make are solely theirs. The only thing you can work on is your response to it. 

Build a support network

Do not keep silent about the abuse that has been happening to you. Talk to trusted friends, family members, a counsellor. Support helps.

Get professional help

Seek help from professional counsellors and support groups who can strengthen your resolve and help you feel less alone. Talk to helplines and if required get in touch with Shelters and support groups that might be able to offer you an unbiased and supportive environment and advice. 

Exit plan

 If you feel stuck in an emotionally abusive situation or if your partner, friend or family member does not show intent to change then it helps to have a plan of being able to get out of such a situation when time permits.

Create Goals

Make a list of goals, realistic, short term goals that will help you to move in a more positive direction. 

Make your mental and physical health a priority

Take care of yourself and your needs. Do things that will keep you affirmative and positive and make sure you get adequate sleep and healthy meals.

Legalities/ Your rights

According to The Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005, survivors of domestic violence are entitled to the following:

Monetary relief and maintenance.

You are entitled to maintenance, including loss of earnings, medical expenses, and damage to property.


After you approach the police, a magistrate can pass orders to stop the offender from committing violence towards you, interacting with you, taking away your assets, or intimidating your family or support network.


You cannot be evicted from the shared household.


You can claim damages for mental and physical injuries.


The court can grant you temporary custody of children. It can also pass an interim order to prevent violence before the final order.

Legal service.

Women have the right to free legal services under the Legal Services Authorities Act, 1987.

Local Helplines/Websites/Awareness.



