Osho, also known as Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, was a spiritual teacher who developed a range of meditation techniques designed to help people achieve a state of relaxation, mindfulness, and inner peace. Here are some of the most popular Osho meditation types:

– Osho Dynamic Meditation: A high-energy meditation designed to release pent-up emotions and tension through a combination of breathing exercises, intense physical movement, and silence.

– Osho Kundalini Meditation: A gentle meditation that involves sitting and moving in specific ways to awaken the kundalini energy located at the base of the spine.

– Osho Nadabrahma Meditation: A slow, peaceful meditation that involves humming, hand movements, and visualization to help you connect with your inner self.

– Osho Nataraj Meditation: A dynamic meditation that combines dancing, shaking, and stillness to help you release negative energy and connect with the present moment.

– Osho No-Mind Meditation: A two-stage meditation that involves first emptying the mind through gibberish and then experiencing deep stillness and relaxation.

– Osho Vipassana Meditation: A traditional Buddhist meditation that involves observing your thoughts and emotions without judgment to develop inner awareness and mindfulness.

Each of these meditation types has its own unique benefits and can help you achieve a state of relaxation, mindfulness, and inner peace.

Osho meditation types are various techniques designed to help practitioners achieve a state of relaxation, mindfulness, and awareness. Here are some of the most popular Osho meditation types:

1. Dynamic Meditation: A technique that involves a combination of intense physical movement and deep breathing to release pent-up energy and emotions.

2. Kundalini Meditation: This meditation involves a series of exercises designed to awaken the energy at the base of the spine and move it upward through the chakras.

3. Nadabrahma Meditation: A technique that involves humming and breathing exercises to help practitioners achieve a state of deep relaxation and inner awareness.

4. Vipassana Meditation: This meditation involves the practice of mindfulness, focusing on the present moment and developing a non-judgmental awareness of one’s thoughts and feelings.

5. No-Mind Meditation: A technique that involves letting go of all thoughts and becoming aware of the present moment without any mental distractions.

6. Mystic Rose Meditation: A 21-day immersive meditation experience that involves laughter, crying, and silence to help practitioners release pent-up emotions and achieve a deeper sense of inner peace.

Each Osho meditation technique is unique and has its own benefits. It’s worth exploring different techniques to find the one that works best for you.