It’s proved time and again. If you value your time more than your money, you invariably ends up happier,according to another new research from the University of British Columbia. The authors of the study found an almost even split between people who value time over money and those who value money over time. The researchers […]
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We may simply believe that being happy and content in life is wrong and is not for us. This belief leads to emotional deprivation.
In Norway, more than 40,000 bus stops are tweeting, allowing passengers to leave messages about their experiences, and in London the mayor’s office has just begun a project to tag trees so that people can learn about their history.
High expectations may make teens feel good, but when those expectations hit against reality in adulthood, the resulting disappointment could account for the evaporation of happiness.
Countless studies have shown a link between sex and happiness. One study found that people who had more sex had high level of self-reported happiness. while another study reveals that those who were suggested to have more sex found it a real dampener to their happiness.
“Our research shows that email is a double-edged sword. Whilst it can be a valuable communication tool, it’s clear that it’s a source of stress of frustration for many of us” — Dr Richard MacKinnon said:
Hand shaking, hugging and kissing may have evolved over millennia as a way to share, spread and develop immunities to bacteria.
It all begins and ends in your mind. What you give power to, has power over you, if and if only you allow it.
Married couples who said they argued constantly and had low affection for one another or in other words defined as “high-conflict marriages” were actually less happy than people who weren’t married at all.
Alex Korb, the author of the book, The Upward Spiral: Using Neuroscience to Reverse the Course of Depression writes in his blog, “I used to think that being happier was all about teaching yourself to think more positively. But, at times positive thinking can be quite difficult, particularly when you’re in a bad emotional place, and occasionally it can actually […]