Category Archives: Happiness Tips

Any negative situation that annoys you or fans your anger and agitation is an opportunity for you to see the magic of awareness. Pause, take a deep breath, withdraw your reactive resistance, and with compassion try to shift your consciousness to forgiveness. The same energy that causes anger and burn will be transformed into compassion […]

Don’t feel pride on borrowed knowledge. After all, it is not yours. You are in essence one and only, there is no second. Meditate upon your ‘amness’ and let the ‘amness’ speak the original wisdom that belongs to You. The more aware you are of your existential reality, the more calm and secure you are, […]

We all live within the boundaries of our mind, like a spider within its web created by itself. Pause for a while and impartially examine your mind. You will find that most unhappiness and displeasure are caused due to unconscious resistance to anything that contradicts the conditions of your likes and dislikes. Love turns into […]

Live your life not someone else’s life. It is only when one loses the passion for life that one becomes vulnerable to dark forces. Accept every negative situation with a mantra inside ‘nothing is permanent, impermanence is the way of this world’ so why be serious? Let the passion of your life lead you moment […]

When we go to a concert we see all the instrumentalists tuning their instruments as a prelude to the symphony that will enthrall the audience for hours! Do we tune our body-mind-breath, our exquisite instruments with the Universal body-mind-breath the first thing in the morning before we present the concert for the day? Love and peace, […]

Meditation is your good friend. It gradually helps you come closer to your better self, and see from closer proximity to what extent you are not self-forgiving and self-loving. It is easier to forgive someone else who has hurt you if it is not that deep, but very often much of the frustration in life […]

Befriend your own mind by anchoring it to its Source, the Spirit soul. Let every moment be an opportunity to allow light of the Spirit that is Love to manifest through you. There is no truth beyond love in this world, love that is not contaminated by conditions, but love that is sublimated through practice […]

Fear of the future comes from the fact that we are not able to see life as an ever-unfolding process toward a Higher Consciousness. It is lack of trust in the Divine and in the power of the higher mind within that makes us myopic. Shake off all apprehensions and live through the moment of […]

Mindfulness is to be mindful that we are not just humans as species but have a being, which is the quantum ground of our existence. It is to be where you are in full awareness of the inner and the outer world. It is to be non-judgmental about thoughts but conscious of it. It is […]