Category Archives: Happiness Tips

We dream at night and it appears so real. On waking we realize it was not real When we will truly realize that we are dreaming our subconscious mind during our waking hours then our spiritual quest would take us to reality beyond duality. We are born to realize the myth of births and deaths, […]

Your true Home is your own mind in its pristine state, the state of effortless joy. Yogis reach that state through efforts to change their subconscious programming of falling into the trap of self-created phantoms of fear and anxiety, disharmony and discord. Affirm that you are a child of Love and Light, that Higher Intelligence […]

Once you know how the lower mind (egocentric mind) plays foul with you, you will rise above it. Higher mind is compassionate and loving, very responsive. Lower mind, angry, fearful and jealous. Very reactive. It is for you to choose whom you will befriend. Only Higher mind can bestow the boon that you are craving […]

Don’t take your thoughts and words casually. They are what shapes your destiny. Each thought, each word has its own vibrations. If you truly wish to be happy, then you need to practice mindfulness; the more mindful you are, the more soulful you are! Rephrase negative thoughts and words and live a soulful life of […]

Always try to see the hands of the divine behind every mundane act and situation in your life. It is all the play of Consciousness. Expand your field of conscious awareness and move through all the repetitive chores of life to cheer them up and find that life in itself is a perfect celebration when […]

Mind rides on the vehicle of Prana, your breaths. Efforts to tame the wild mind are difficult, but if you sit quietly and surf your breaths, just watch your breaths, become mindful of your breaths the mind gradually calms down opening new horizons into the world of infinite creativity and peace. Shuddhaanandaa Brahamchari Related posts: […]

Meditation is to be conscious of consciousness, aware of awareness, to be the witness of all the fleeting things of changing phenomena of life. Everything else requires your doing; meditation is a state of non-doing. Just sit with your body-mind for a few minutes and observe non-judgmentally the sensations of your body and passing thoughts […]

There are people who always talk of their problems and suffer from negative inner conversations. This is the state where your mind is your own enemy. This is ego-dominated mind. As you lift both your hands in surrender to the will of the Lord and follow the path of your spirit soul, you feel a […]

We spend our life doing and doing and doing! We work hard, earn, procure food and eat, but never ever sit quietly and contemplate the fact that eating is our doing, but digestion? Who metabolises the food into energy? Who breathes in us without out knowledge and keeps us going and doing? Before it is […]

Peace is the state of your inner being unruffled by the panorama of external happenings which follow the law of impermanence. Nothing can give you peace. Only Divine love can. Only Divine ecstasy can. Only Divine transformation can. Shuddhaanandaa Brahamchari   Related posts: No related posts.