Category Archives: Happiness Tips

“A good book is the precious life -blood of a master spirit” – John Milton

As a teenager at that time, I was unable to understand or appreciate the deeper meaning of these words. Around the same time, he taught me calligraphy. Now that the deeper meaning of this quotation has dawned upon me with my involvement in spirituality and books over the ensuring decades, I have tried to present this quotation in my calligraphy here.

To bring pause between two acts or thoughts is the art of mindfulness. You attain great power of mind once you slow down and stop the randomness of your thoughts. What you need is clarity of thought. Once you have clarity you can be calm. Once you are calm, you will be kind and loving; […]

Your observation of any happening and your inner dialogue creates more of such negative situations. When you say “don’t or no” and resist and reject it only sucks your energy and creates vibrations to materialize similar odd situations. Reduce the use of word “don’t” “no” “not” if you truly don’t want them. Think and say […]

Doubt saps positive vibrations. Whatever you want to realize in life stop doubting and start believing. Whenever small good things happen just rejoice, say in your heart, ye! It is happening. The more you acknowledge the good things, the more positive vibrations are generated and you attract positive joyful happenings around you. When you cry […]

There is no alternative to hard work and deep commitment toward the sole goal of life, self-realization. Everything we are clinging to will die; only the deathless Self shall remain. True intelligence is not to die for the impermanent things of life, but remain alert and conscious of the immortal Self and attain eternal bliss. […]

Watch your thoughts; keep an eye on your thoughts. Don’t ever forget your thoughts’ power to materialize the negative or positive consequences. Just observe your thoughts, observation helps in distilling them and purifying them to gift you happiness in life. Shuddhaanandaa Brahamchari Related posts: No related posts.

Every moment is so precious. It is the awareness of the moment, it is to bring the wandering mind to the awe of the moment that creates the miracle of true celebration. Nothing remains as it is. Surrender with love and devotion to the Lord of your heart. Feel blessed that He is taking care […]

Till we focus on changing the pre-programmed subconscious mind not much happens. You will see that your anger or anxiety is mostly not within your control until you are alert and mindful enough to consciously try to change them into a relaxed state of ease and happiness. It is all in the mind. Shuddhaanandaa Brahamchari […]