Bliss is a sun that rises within you. Ordinarily, man lives in a dark night, never knowing any dawn, never knowing any sunrise, Y just stumbling in the darkness, falling here, falling there, getting wounded. If you look at man’s life, the whole of his life is simply a groping, and it is of absolute […]
Category Archives: Happiness Mantra
Find time and space, and make it a point to meditate, In the beginning it is difficult, but remain patient. All that is needed is patience. And remain hopeful, optimistic, because it is only a question of time. It is just like when you sow seeds: you can’t expect the shoots the next day. They […]
The journey toward oneself needs great patience. But we have become so impatient. Man has lost the unhurried way of life, particularly in this century. He is always in a hurry, he wants everything immediately. He thinks that everything is like instant coffee. But there are a few things that need great patience. Not that […]
Godhas no form, no name, no definition. God idefinable, indescribable, inexpressible. Hence whatsoever has been said about God is all wrong. The moment it is said, it becomes wrong. One can be right about God only if one remains silent. Utter a single word and you have missed the point. Nothing can be said about […]
Life is a gift, but very few people recognize it because God goes on giving life without making any fuss about it. It is given so silently that we never become aware that something precious has been given to us. And God does not wait to be thanked. He does not make a show of […]
Life is like a nightmare: if you are suffering in a nightmare, all that you need is to put your total energy into waking up. Nothing else is needed. If you are being chased by a lion, you need not kill the lion because there is no lion at all. If you are being crushed […]
Reaching toward that inner flame is really an arduous path with many pitfalls. Moving in darkness, one stumbles; moving in darkness, one gets hit; moving in darkness, one falls and has to rise again. You need constant encouragement, constant support, somebody to prevent you from running away and escaping. That’s the function of the master, […]
You are divine and you are formless. God is not something quantitative, God is only a quality. God is not something material. It is only a presence. It is not like a flower, it is more like a fragrance. One can feel it, but one cannot catch hold of it. One can enjoy it, one […]
God is oceanic, infinite, unbounded. We have fallen apart from God because we have become identified with boundaries, with the boundaries of the body and the boundaries of the mind. Those boundaries are keeping us away. Just get rid of the boundaries. I’m not saying to get rid of your body; the body is perfectly […]
Prepare for the day; the sunrise has knocked on the door. Come out of your sleep. Don’t go on hiding yourself under a blanket anymore, howsoever cozy it feels and howsoever much your mind says, “Just turn over again, just a little more, a few minutes.” Don’t listen to the mind because those few minutes […]