Category Archives: Happiness Mantra


OSHO - I Say Unto You Never Choose

Everything changes: nothing remains the same even for two consecutive moments. Then the whole desire for keeping things as they are forever drops. And in that dropping, you are free. Suddenly a great freedom is felt; you are no longer disturbed by anything, nothing can disturb you. Things disturb you because you were hoping for […]


A man of awareness knows that life is constantly changing. Life is change. There is only one thing permanent and that is change. Everything else except change, changes. To accept this nature of life, to accept this changing existence with all its seasons and moods, this constant flow which never stops for a single moment, […]


One needs to be blissful for godliness to enter your being, because unless you are dancing and singing and celebrating, you are not ready for godliness. Godliness is celebration, godliness is a dance, godliness is a song. Godliness cannot happen to people who are sad and serious, godliness cannot happen to miserable people. Misery makes […]



Courage is the greatest religious quality, everything else is secondary. You cannot be truthful if you are not courageous. You cannot be loving if you are not courageous. You cannot be trusting if you are not courageous. You cannot inquire into reality if you are not courageous; hence courage comes first and everything else follows. […]


First, start learning to move from the known toward the unknown, and your life will become a great excitement, a great joy, a great surprise. Every moment something new is happening. And then one day take the ultimate risk: move from the unknown to the unknowable. The difference is that the unknown will become known, […]


Freedom is the most divine phenomenon; hence never sacrifice your freedom for anything whatsoever, not even for love, because nothing is higher than freedom. Everything can be sacrificed for freedom, even life, but freedom cannot be sacrificed for anything. Even God can be sacrificed for freedom, but freedom cannot be sacrificed for God. Buddha does […]