If we can understand a single drop of water , we have understood all the water that exists anywhere .And each man is a dewdrop of existence . If we can understand one man …And the easiest and the closest is existence . Once the mystery is understood , once the door is open , […]
Category Archives: Happiness Mantra
One needs to be industrious; one needs to accept challenges which provoke one for the upward journey. It is hard, it is dangerous, but it brings out the best in you. It creates integrity, ultimately it creates a soul in you. George Gurdjieff used to say that not everybody is born with a soul. He […]
We are all carrying a star of infinite beauty within ourselves. We are stars. Of course, we are surrounded by much smoke and clouds and if one looks from the outside, nothing of the star can be found. The function of meditation is to penetrate through these dark clouds that surround you, and to reach […]
Love is a small lamp , but it is enough,in fact more than enough .You don’t need to carry a sun with you,just a small lamp is enough in the dark night . Of course it sheds light only a few feet ahead of you , but that’s all that is needed, you walk those […]
In the morning when the sun is just about to rise , there should be singing , dancing – just as birds dance and trees sway in the wind and everybody is agog , waiting for the sun to come on the horizon , and then suddenly the sun come is a welcoming song , […]
The individual is a passage , a bridge from the collective to the universal . It frees you first from the collective , and once you are free from the collective , there is no need for you to be an individual . You can dissolve into the whole . That is the miracle of […]
The loveliest song is the singer less one . A song is beautiful when you are not the singer , when existence is the singer.When you are just a hollow bamboo , a flute , when you simply allow existence to flow through you , when you don’t obstruct that’s all . On our part […]
Unless your heart sings and dances you are not really living, you are only dragging: fulfilling certain duties, going through certain rituals, somehow managing and maintaining a facade. But deep inside, there is emptiness and a great trembling because one knows in the deepest part of the heart that life is not yet fulfilled, that […]
The only evolution worth calling evolution is the evolution of bliss. If bliss is not growing, you are not evolving. If bliss is not growing, the society is not evolving. In fact, what people generally understand by evolution and progress is sheer nonsense. More and more complicated technology does not mean evolution. It is so […]
Laughter is one of the most divine experiences, but very few people really laugh. Their laughter is shallow. Either it is just intellectual, or just a facade, or just a formality, or just a mannerism, but it is total.If a man can laugh totally, wholeheartedly, not holding anything back at all, in that very moment […]