Existence speaks in everyone’s heart, but we are so occupied in our heads that we never listen to that still, small voice within. There is so much clamoring, so much unnecessary noise – we have made the head a marketplace. The heart goes on calling and we remain deaf to it. Existence is not far […]
Category Archives: Happiness Mantra
God is not a belief but a vision. To believe in God is absolutely nonessential. It is like a blind man believing in light, or a deaf person believing in music. They can’t conceive of what they are believing in, they can’t even imagine it. Their beliefs are deceptions, but that is not so important: […]
“Consciousness is created by you, It is your own effort to stand on your own two feet, to look at life and to gather enough courage to live according to your light.” Related posts: No related posts.
The journey is difficult but worth taking. And it is only difficult in the beginning. As you become accustomed to the joy of the unknown and the freedom of the unknown and the thrill of the unknown, it is no longer difficult. Then each moment of the journey is of such precious beauty, of such […]
We are all carrying a star of infinite beauty within ourselves. We are stars. Of course, we are surrounded by much smoke and clouds and if one looks from the outside, nothing of the star can be found. The function of meditation is to penetrate through these dark clouds that surround you, and to reach […]
Meditation is the way to sharpen your intelligence more and more. And the more intelligence you have, the closer you are to existence. Related posts: No related posts.
The individual is a passage , a bridge from the collective to the universal . It frees you first from the collective , and once you are free from the collective , there is no need for you to be an individual . You can dissolve into the whole . That is the miracle of […]
When u are egoless love starts blossoming it feels like spring has suddenly come to you. And there is not only one flower, but thousands of flowers in your being. Great is the fragrance.It is because of this experience of the spring and the flowers and the infinite fragrance that Jesus called God “love.” He […]
Humbleness does not mean less ego, it simply means ‘no ego’. And the ego has to totally put aside, discarded so that love starts blossoming. Related posts: No related posts.
The most important thing to remember in life is that God loves us, that he has not forsaken us, that he is not indifferent to us, that he is continuously concerned about us, that he cares. The deeper this idea enters your heart the better because when you start feeling more and more loved by […]