Category Archives: Happiness Mantra

The moment one starts seeking and searching for oneself, one becomes the blessed one. The inquiry itself is the beginning of the transformation. The more passionate the inquiry is, the sooner the transformation will come. Make it intense, make it total. Related posts: No related posts.

Meditation releases great creativity. It is an explosion; all your seeds start sprouting. For the first time, you see how much potential you were carrying within yourself: a great garden with so many flowers, such beautiful bushes and trees and so many birds singing… A whole paradise! But we are not ordinarily aware of it. […]

Live your life like a river. As river remains pure, fresh and flowing. It is always alive with the feeling of joy because there is always a surprise awaiting , there is wonder. “What is going to happen next?” Give yourself freedom to flow towards the unknown with joy . Related posts: No related posts.

Although a bee gathers honey from many flowers, it never destroys any of the flowers. It is very artful, very gracious. It does not hurt. In fact, the flower feels tremendously joyous when a bee comes to it. It is really a compliment. And the bee is never destructive. It collects whatsoever it needs, but […]

All meditations are devices to bring your fragments together, to melt into each other, to create a kind of oneness in you, to bring a enter to your being. Once that center starts growing you will have enough courage to go into the unknown; then you will risk all. And existence asks that you risk […]

Life is life only when love is burning bright inside you: when the flame of love is so bright that it starts radiating around you, that it starts reaching others, that people can feel it; that your love becomes almost so tangible that people can touch it. Then it is not only a blessing to […]

Whenever you have time, at any moment, relax and go in. Forget the whole world for a moment, as if it does not exist. Thinking that the world consists only of illusions and is one of the ancient strategies.. Forget all about it, let it disappear and go into your aloneness. It is only there […]

A Sannyasin learning energy healing from Swami Chaitanya Keerti

Bliss has a luminosity of its own. Misery is dark, bliss is bright. The miserable person casts a shadow on others too. He comes like a black hole, he sucks people’s energy; his very presence is destructive. But the presence of a blissful person is creative, nourishing. It showers light on others. It is a […]