Category Archives: Chaitanya Keerti

Relaxing with Natural Vipassana

Vipassana Walk

Recently someone who was having a certain difficulty in meditation sent me a question and wanted some help: “What forms of meditation are as effective as Zen in helping one become mindful? I have mild cerebral palsy and sitting still, relaxing and focusing on my breath is hard. The thought of sitting down to relax […]

The Fragrance of Meditation And How Widely it Spreads

Girl doing Meditation

A friend has written to me: What is your advice on becoming a meditation teacher/practitioner? These days, it is a common question many people ask because they think  that meditation has a big market. It has become a flourishing business  in India and all over the world. And the people who meditate  themselves rarely, are teaching […]

The Ecstasy of a Sannyasin

A Sannyasin learning energy healing from Swami Chaitanya Keerti

Picture courtesy Osho Nisarga, Dharamshala Swami Chaitanya Keerti  Last month, I facilitated the Neo Zen retreat at Osho Nisarga in Dharamshala.  On the last day of the retreat, a sincere seeker, Tomas Andrade from New Zealand took sannyas initiation and as he had asked for a new name, he was given the name: Swami Dhyan […]

The Mirror of No-Mind Reflects Your Inner Being

Recently a friend, a sincere seeker, sent me a query on Quora: What is the difference of involvement, participation, and witnessing in relation to meditation? What is the difference between totality and concentration?   This is certainly a genuine question of all the seekers on the path. My response is based on my experience and my understanding: […]

Meditate and Create Protective Aura

Recently, there was one report published in Amar Ujala, a daily Hindi newspaper: We would not have believed in this information if it was mentioned in the context of mythology, but now even the modern science is agreeing that the practice of meditation creates a protective armour around the meditators. The physical body of the meditator gets […]