Always wake up with thoughts of positive affirmations like “I am healthy, I am healed, only good lies before me, I am ever protected by His Divine Grace.” Watch your thoughts and surrender all thoughts of resistance to what is, and offer resistance to the light of you Ishta-Guru. The Universe can work with ease […]

To be awake in consciousness is to be truly alive or else you just keep doing the daily chores without making them all your tools for inner transformation. We are all here not just to be servants of our unconscious random minds, but also to live from inside out, mindfully witnessing the play of Guru […]

I hope you practice standing before the mirror affirming the higher truth that you are a radiant child of God, that you love all, and all love you, that you are a blessing to one and all. That all is well in your life. Never ever belittle yourself or others, for in everyone is the […]