Always remind yourself of the sole purpose of human birth. All other species are happy in their own space, humans remain ever restless! Ever thirsty! Only when by Guru’s grace the mind turns within to seek the very source of mind begins the true journey back Home. Spirituality cannot be a part-time job; it is […]

Understanding the law of karma, when you don’t hit back but accept wrongs done to you by others silently, and continually send messages of forgiveness, God is pleased with you. Karma takes its own course. No one can escape the law of cause and effect. To be truly spiritual is to be surrendered to the […]

The breaths need to be divinized. It is only when we breathe consciously, meditatively the quality of breaths change; mind becomes luminous with the light of Prana. Both mind and Prana get charged with higher vibrations. It can then connect to higher vibratory fields of peace and bliss; life then becomes a flow rather than […]

Worries and tensions only create a more negative energy field in our mind and if such thoughts are allowed unconsciously over a period of time it starts to attract similar situations to make life a greater struggle. Become more conscious. Either non-judgmentally watch the thoughts or surrender your worries to your Lord and affirm the […]