In times of a natural calamity we truly need the intervention of divine mercy that can descend through collective prayer and meditation. A natural calamity shows that faced with danger we forget all man made differences of religions and dogmas and can show to the world that we can stand for each other, sacrifice for […]

It is not what you do that is important, it is with what intention and attitude you do it that either binds you or releases you from bondage. Always remind yourself that ego binds, soul frees. Ego demands, soul gives. Life is richest not with possessions but with devotion, love and Guru-seva, self-less service to […]

All happenings in life have deep messages from higher world. As such we are being processed to realize that only patience and perseverance pay in the world of light, to go through all the karmic patches with patience and persevere through the path of love and surrender. That is the way to enter the world […]

Gift some happy moments to a dying person

Believe as you sit by the dying person that you are sitting by someone who has the true potential to be a Buddha. Imagine their buddha nature as a shining and stainless mirror and all their pain and anxiety a thin, grey mist on it that can quickly clear. This will help you to see them as loveable and forgivable and draw out of your unconditional love