Sit quietly doing nothing for sometime so that you get into yet another realm of your own self where peace abides. The world needs your silence. The world needs your conviction that only Divine powers will triumph. Nurture not fear, or deprivation of love; it is your mind’s impurity that robs love from you. Once […]

The only definition of the indefinable Divine is He/She/That is bliss. If you are in bliss you are with God. If you are with your mind and its random thoughts then you may slip into mixed emotions and its consequences. Hence, to be spiritual is to be awake to the reality that you are in […]

First remove the myth from your mind that meditation is concentration, focus, and silence. Meditation is your resolve to sit and watch your monkey mind in action, non-judgmentally, to watch your mind as it is and not as you expect it to be. Eventually monkey mind will transform itself in the light of your awareness […]

First remove the myth from your mind that meditation is concentration, focus, and silence. Meditation is your resolve to sit and watch your monkey mind in action, non-judgmentally, to watch your mind as it is and not as you expect it to be. Eventually monkey mind will transform itself in the light of your awareness […]