Do you know you love your Prana (breaths) the most? If a person has been trapped under water, and has struggled to come to the surface, ask him if he thought of demonetization, politics, gold, a BMW, or his wife, mother or children? He would reply that as he was choking on water, he only […]
Pluck the positive for a melody, not harp on the negative for a litany”. Nagesh Alai Related posts: No related posts.
Miss no opportunity to appreciate others or express your gratitude or thankfulness to those you meet during the day. This is an excellent way to boost others’ self-esteem. Don’t you feel so happy being recognised and given attention and appreciation? The same is with all. Share your smile, some positive words, and some stories that […]
“The memories and milestones of the past make the road ahead memorable” Nagesh Alai Related posts: No related posts.
People who doesn’t understand the true meaning of “karma” often consider it to be a negative term. But in reality, the aura works both ways. “Karma” is a Sanskrit term denoting the phase of cause and effect, means every action that an individual takes in life is going to affect him in the future. This […]
Nandita Kochar Happy Ho’s philosophy of Happiness differentiates happiness from momentary pleasure. While things, dreams or ambitions that a person thinks would give him/her happiness might differ, the feeling of happiness is the same. We believe that happiness cannot be tied to any goals or achievements – attaining them gives short-lived pleasure. Our focus is […]
When one falls sick and the doctor advises a full body scan, oh! You pay a fortune to do that! But just imagine, if you close your eyes, instantly you are in the closest proximity to your inner world. The eye of awareness opens. With a few deep breaths of joy and love, you can […]
“If your tone is canorous, the response will be harmonic”. Nagesh Alai Related posts: No related posts.
Happyho also provides best Meditation and Tarot classes in Noida and Delhi NCR India area Related posts: No related posts.
Don’t curse yourself or others for negative emotions. They live in the womb of your subconscious mind only to surface when provoked by external situations. If you curse them, they don’t leave you or let you free. If you practice being aware and conscious, then you can identify them and before they create the mess, […]