Son: Dad, What is the Difference between these two sentences? :-
“He Washed Utensils”, “He was made to wash utensils”?
Father: In the First sentence, the subject is unmarried and in the second, the subject is married!
Happy Ho organizes best Meditation and Tarot classes in Noida and Delhi NCR area in India. Related posts: No related posts.
“Evince an interest to chance a discovery”. Nagesh Alai Happy Ho runs Best Tarot Reading Training in Noida, Delhi/NCR Related posts: No related posts.
Fear of the future comes from the fact that we are not able to see life as an ever-unfolding process toward a Higher Consciousness. It is lack of trust in the Divine and in the power of the higher mind within that makes us myopic. Shake off all apprehensions and live through the moment of […]
What if you tried a more realistic approach, each time you committed a mistake? What if you told yourself a few things differently? Would it make a difference? So many questions! Let’s find the answers.
If you can walk the talk, just walk”. Nagesh Alai Related posts: No related posts.
On one hand, the society tells you that there is a certain reserved age for romance and love. But on the other, you feel this exciting tingling emotion inside of you that keeps telling you that there is still a chance for you to find someone you’ll love dearly. So what do you do, when faced with this dilemma?
Mindfulness is to be mindful that we are not just humans as species but have a being, which is the quantum ground of our existence. It is to be where you are in full awareness of the inner and the outer world. It is to be non-judgmental about thoughts but conscious of it. It is […]
How does a woman, living in this youth-obsessed world, avoid or escape the judgement sent her way each time she speaks to someone, opens a magazine, walks into a store or just goes online? How does she try to stop sending harsh messages to her mind about herself, each time she looks in the mirror? Vivian Diller, Ph.D and Jill Muir-Sukenick, Ph.D might have the answer.
“Drop the anchor, stop the drift” Nagesh Alai Related posts: No related posts.