Love and prayer are two experiences of the same energy. Love is earthly, prayer is more unearthly, but the experience is the same. Love has a limitation to it; it is person to person. Prayer is unlimited, it is from a person to impersonal existence. And it is from the person to impersonal existence only […]
“Money stored is a burden, money used is an experience.” Related posts: No related posts.
The sacred Voice of the Almighty is heard when the chatter of our mind stops! Related posts: No related posts.
unplanned things can never satisfy you with anything in your life YOU CAN TRY IT IF YOU WANT ! Depression is yet another cause that happens when we do not keep a check on our eating habits.Now a days with so much work pressure and lack of time we try to fill our tummy with […]
Meditation is not against thought; it is for transcendence, it is going beyond thoughts. It is becoming so utterly naked that you can be seen by existence as you really are: with no mask, with no garments, just like a small child. And these are the great moments of life, when love starts showering from […]
लखनऊ: मुख्य सचिव दुर्गा शंकर मिश्र की अध्यक्षता में अटल आवासीय विद्यालय के संबंध में समीक्षा बैठक आयोजित की गई। अपने संबोधन में मुख्य सचिव ने कहा कि अटल आवासीय विद्यालयों और छात्रावास के भवनों की वास्तुकला भारतीय दर्शन और संस्कृति के अनुरूप हो। इसकी शैली उत्कृष्ट व जीवंत हो। इसके निर्माण में आधुनिक तकनीक, […]
We are all set to usher in 2023. Welcome this year with zeal and triumph as after covid 19 the excitement of celebration is on the top. The brands are all set to ride the new year on a high – there are happiness sales, heavy discounts and new brand promises. On a personal level, […]
Zen masters call the state of meditation the season of autumn, when all the leaves fall and the trees are standing bare, naked. When consciousness drops all thoughts, it is like a tree without leaves, without foliage, exposed to the wind, to the moon, to the sun, to the rain – uncovered, unhidden. In that […]
To be where you are.. needs you totally. It is not true that you are where your body is. Children are on the field playing while their bodies are at the study desk. Spiritual evolution demands your attention, your intention, your devotion to the single goal of life, to be fully aware of your indwelling […]
“The zone outside could be more comforting.Try it.” Related posts: No related posts.