
To be spontaneously loving, naturally loving, is to be religious. Religion has nothing to do with worshipping Jesus or Buddha or Krishna. It has nothing to do with chanting mantras, it has nothing to do with all kinds of rituals being done in the churches and the temples. It has nothing to do with all […]

मुख्य सचिव ने लखनऊ के बहुमुखी विकास के दृष्टिगत विभिन्न क्रिया कलापों में कार्य कर रहें कर्मियों से संवाद कर उनका मार्गदर्शन किया

मुख्य सचिव श्री दुर्गा शंकर मिश्र ने सर्वाेदय नगर स्थित विकास भवन में जनपद लखनऊ के बहुमुखी विकास के दृष्टिगत विभिन्न क्रिया कलापों में कार्य कर रहें कर्मियों से संवाद कर उनका मार्गदर्शन किया। इस अवसर पर उन्होंने उन्नति पुस्तिका ‘ग्राम्य विकास प्रबोधिनी’ एवं ‘अवध ग्राम्या पुस्तिका’ का विमोचन किया। मुख्य सचिव के समक्ष 10 […]

Don’t keep yourself separate. Seeing a rose, become the rose. Seeing the sunset, be lost in it. Don’t remain aloof, cold. Don’t remain just a spectator, become a participant. Seeing the sky full of stars, become part of it, a small star. But participate in the dance. To me that’s what religion is: dissolving oneself […]

Good Karma brings happiness. Every good thought or small good action brings with it the blessings of the Karma of happiness. The seed of good Karma will bear fruits that ripen into joy and success in life. When you bring joy and peace in another person’s life, don’t forget you are clearing a karmic debt […]