“Many will help, but few can serve.” Related posts: No related posts.
Unless your heart sings and dances you are not really living, you are only dragging: fulfilling certain duties, going through certain rituals, somehow managing and maintaining a facade. But deep inside, there is emptiness and a great trembling because one knows in the deepest part of the heart that life is not yet fulfilled, that […]
Any identity you create is for the world. Your true identity is hidden in the recess of your heart. How can you be happy with your shadow identity? How long can you be happy to wear a mask called personality? When will you shed the false persona and know that you are the child of […]
“Let consistency be a constancy.” Related posts: No related posts.
Between two acts create a pause, between two thoughts feel the gap, between two breaths experience the stillness. Sustained peace and happiness is hidden in the core of silence. Meditation is to be aware of that stillness and bliss that already exists within us in the sanctum of our hearts, in the very existence of […]
God is oceanic, infinite, unbounded. We have fallen apart from God because we have become identified with boundaries, with the boundaries of the body and the boundaries of the mind. Those boundaries are keeping us away. Just get rid of the boundaries. I’m not saying to get rid of your body; the body is perfectly […]
“Dream if you wish a fantasy.” Related posts: No related posts.
To be a yogi is to be established in the unconditional Being within. To be happy, irrespective of associations. Light and Love! Related posts: No related posts.
The body may be ordinary: homely, and yet it may have a soul which is beyond comprehension, body may be very beautiful and may be utterly empty, with no soul at all. This will happen many times in your life; you will come across beautiful people who have no souls at all and you will […]
Each moment is so inestimably valuable , each moment is such a gift that one cannot be thankful enough for it.There is no way to show our gratitude to existence . Its gift is of such immense proportions that we don’t really deserve it . Existence has given out of its abundance . Knowing this […]