Seek godliness through beauty, the beauty of everything. Let that become your inquiry. Worship beauty, rejoice in beauty. And when you worship beauty and rejoice in beauty, you start becoming beautiful. Truth and good will follow. If one can attain one out of the three, the other two automatically come along. Related posts: No related […]

When you are loving, meditating, mindful, prayerful, and blissful, you are sending positive vibrations to the whole world. You can’t do it in isolation. The universe of light responds to your vibrations, fills you up. You not only bring benediction to your life but indirectly you change the whole world. Related posts: No related posts.

One needs to be blissful for godliness to enter your being, because unless you are dancing and singing and celebrating, you are not ready for godliness. Godliness is celebration, godliness is a dance, godliness is a song. Godliness cannot happen to people who are sad and serious, godliness cannot happen to miserable people. Misery makes […]

Your mind (brain) can be trained if you intend to do this training. Any behavioural pattern is the outcome of repetitive practice. If it is giving you pain, then this negative pattern can be changed. You need to reprogram your brain. Practice of mindful thoughts and beliefs, conscious inner life-affirmative self-talk can alter your brain […]

Bliss has a luminosity of its own. Misery is dark, bliss is bright. The miserable person casts a shadow on others too. He comes like a black hole, he sucks people’s energy; his very presence is destructive. But the presence of a blissful person is creative, nourishing. It showers light on others. It is a […]