Like a child your body looks for your attention! It is not only a package of infinite energy and vibrations but every cell is a universe in itself. Find time to sit with your body and like a diver dive inside and watch in silence with awe its intelligence and subtler sensations, vibrations and expansion! […]
Author Archives: Bodhi Shuddhaanandaa
At times when you are looking for a solution, don’t force yourself and instead look right inside the periphery of your conditioned training, and skills. A huge oceanic depth waits untapped within you. In such situation just close your eyes, breathe mindfully, seek no solution, but become just open to Infinite Intelligence, and let the […]
The evolution of consciousness demands each of our participation in the process of reshaping the destiny of humanity. In spiritual practice we need to affirm this positive thought that I am inseparable from the whole, hence my awakening to the world of love and joy cannot be in isolation. When you breathe with awareness and […]
One of the most important things to do is to release any hurt feelings or resentment for they are poisonous for body-mind. They create blood pressure and heart issues and many other problems. Self-forgiveness and forgiving the one who caused pain releases the negative energy and creates space for good things to happen. One can […]
Ego is good only when it learns to bow down. I have seen those who are the so called elite, they cannot bow. “Vidya dadati vinayam” true education and success gives humility. Trees laden with fruits bow. Humility is the first sign of a wise soul. The Wise say one who says, ‘I know, knows […]
Before you do anything try to create a space. Do you keep typing all the characters without using the space bar? You don’t, for then it will not be a sentence but pure gibberish! By touching the space bar you create words and words create their own vibrations and energy. Make sure you don’t juggle […]
Sainath of Shirdi once sent a seeker of Brahman to his friend’s house to learn that wisdom from his maid! He was shocked! The ultimate knowledge and that too from an illiterate maid! True to Sai’s words, the man learned how to live life and be happy in the midst of all challenging situations. Wisdom […]
In the open space of mind that is consciousness, thoughts come and go, thousands of them in a day. It is not the mind that is contaminated; it is the thoughts and emotions of negativity, anger, jealousy, greed and frustrations of unfulfilled desires that create the pollution in the inner environment. To be mindful is […]
Two things decide the fate of our life, one is thought and the other is belief. Happy people are always healthy for they consciously only choose to nurture positive thoughts and affirm positive possibilities. Those who are successful have a strong self-belief. It is the belief that I will overcome every obstacle and live my […]
Kindness is the quality of the Soul within. It is God who alone is Kind and His infinite kindness manifests through our soul for the happiness and peace of others. Worship the kindness that is within you as the spark of God’s love for all beings. Love and light! Related posts: No related posts.