Author Archives: Bodhi Shuddhaanandaa

To many, life is a repetitive chore, a series of rituals and most often monotonous after a point. This is because whatever you do repetitively, becomes habitual, a pattern, and it tends to make you do things without you being aware of it. This further leads into unconsciousness. Unmindfulness. You start to feel that there […]

Whatever little practice you do for your meditation and silent contemplation, don’t forget the importance of regularity and devotion. Regularity is called nishtha, and devotion is bhakti, one who has bhakti and nishtha, love and perseverance, will reach that state where all pains and pleasures of life will be external while a tranquil calm sea […]

Anything you resist seems to squeeze energy out of you and transfer it to the object of resistance! You keep resisting and keep draining your energy! With deeper understanding of the law of karma, and also the power of your mind you can develop a very powerful vision of life that will flow like WATER […]