Author Archives: Bodhi Shuddhaanandaa

If only we could have a mindset not to get affected by what others are doing that we don’t want to see. How others are living that we don’t want to live. Worrying about the future we are only losing sight of God’s infinite grace manifested moment-to-moment, available to those who are aware and conscious […]

Religion is not about divisions and domination, it is not about exhibition of the negative side of human story. It is all about time tested ways and rituals by which we can have unwavering faith in the supreme intelligence and benevolence of Divine Presence, that is all enveloping, all inclusive. Religion is not about “isms”, it […]

Over the coming weeks and months of locked down countries and social distancing what do you think life will be like on earth! Ozone layers will heal. Biodiversity and natural wild life will be restored. Oceans will not have billions of tonnes of plastic. Countries like India would have natural switch to bharat without any need […]

Deep breathing, abdominal breathing, alternate nose breathing can boost your immune system to protect you from any disease. Your thoughts, your inner conversations, your beliefs are creating the inner environment and that is where the cells thrive in positive environment. Everyone is forced to save himself or herself now, as against they were busy saving […]