Author Archives: Osho


Laughter is one of the most divine experiences, but very few people really laugh. Their laughter is shallow. Either it is just intellectual, or just a facade, or just a formality, or just a mannerism. If a man can laugh totally, wholeheartedly, not holding anything back at all, in that very moment something tremendous can […]

A dance is pure when the dancer dissolves into it, when the dancer is no longer there, when you cannot find the dancer and only the dance remains. That’s what meditation in sannyas is, ecstasy is, and ultimately that’s what existence is. Related posts: No related posts.

Ordinarily man is unconscious . Just a small part has become conscious , a very tiny part , very flickering . Any moment , if there is any small incident you will be unconscious . Somebody treads on your toes and you are unconscious ; somebody hits you and you are unconscious ; somebody insults […]

Prepare the way for existence to come in; be ready to receive the sun, the light. The only thing that is needed is to become more and more aware, less and less in the mind and more and more outside the mind, watching it, not getting involved. Just become a detached observer. That’s exactly the […]

If you can love totally, unconditionally, then godliness is not far away. Then godliness is in the very heartbeat of your being. Wherever love is, God is. Love is the fragrance of God’s presence. So remember this, and destroy all that society has created in you to prevent you from remembering your reality. We are […]

Just as breathing and the circulation of the blood, food, nourishment are necessary for the existence of the body, so bliss is necessary for the soul. But a little digging inside is needed so that we can uncover the undercurrent. Once you have known your blissfulness, the source of it, your whole vision changes, your […]

The moment one starts seeking and searching for oneself, one becomes the blessed one. The inquiry itself is the beginning of the transformation. The more passionate the inquiry is, the sooner the transformation will come. Make it intense, make it total. Related posts:


Zen masters call the state of meditation the season of autumn, when all the leaves fall and the trees are standing bare, naked. When consciousness drops all thoughts, it is like a tree without leaves, without foliage, exposed to the wind, to the moon, to the sun, to the rain – uncovered, unhidden. In that […]

Buddha is a mystic without any belief in God, without even a belief in the soul. If one looks from the outside, Buddha is one of the most atheistic persons who ever walked on the earth. But if one looks from within his being, then he is the greatest theist ever. That is the mystery […]