Swami Chaitanya Keerti
Recently I chanced upon an astrological article: The full moon to come is going to push all zodiac signs into emotional overdrive. It was written: This will be much stronger than any normal full moon, and it will be affecting all of us for at least a couple of weeks. You might become overly aggressive or you might end up going through some kind of insane crisis. Regardless, you will be pushed over the edge. You see, this full moon is going to really increase the tension within our lives.
We have also been told that on 27th July, there is going to be a total lunar eclipse, which will be the longest one of the century thus far. It will really bring change within our personal lives, and it might not allow us to let go of any kind of emotional baggage we have been trying to move on from. Also, it will be a full blood moon with a total lunar eclipse. The energies flooding towards us during this time are not going to be easy to handle. We may find ourselves inundated and oscillating between extremely high and low emotions.
These predictions may not be totally true for some people, but they may be true for most people. Happyho also provides best Meditation classes in Noida and Delhi NCR India area
Some people do believe in astrology while many people do not believe in it. But believe it or not, the full moon does affect the human psyche in a big way. You may have noticed that on the full moon night the waves in the ocean become very tidal. The poets say that it is the beloved is yearning to caress her lover. The moon affects the oceanic water in all of us because the man consists of eighty percent of ocean water. The evolution scientists have been saying that the first living being was the fish. Man, in the beginning, was just a fish in the water and finally after thousands of years evolved into a man. Anyway, we know that there has always been something fishy about man and woman. I wonder why people like to eat fish–eating the forefathers or foremothers. Joke aside, we do have a very deep connection because being born in the water, we went through a certain emotional process of evolution. There are tidal waves in the ocean and we see the ocean going crazy..and within us, we see emotional upheavals, in the moments of rage. It is some sort of madness.
From the psychological viewpoint, it is a time of lunacy and madness, but from the spiritual viewpoint, it is a time for the transformation– especially for those who are grounded in meditation. In the Indian cultural context, the July full moon is dedicated to the Guru and his disciples–it is called Gurupurnima. The disciples celebrate this day in a big way to express their gratitude towards their master whose enlightenment shows them the way from darkness to light–Tamsoma Jyotirgamaya.
Guru Purnima is also very special for Osho lovers who are really crazy about their master–for them, it is a MAD game, as explained by Osho himself: “The word MAD I have coined, so M stands for the Master and D stands for the Disciple. The master-and-disciple game! It is a mad game!
Osho says in another discourse: “The Master moves towards the disciple. The disciple moves towards the Master. Sooner or later they are going to meet. The meeting is not of the body; the meeting is not of the mind. The meeting is of the very soul – as if suddenly you bring two lamps close to each other; the lamps remain separate but their flames become one. Between two bodies when the soul is one, it is very difficult to say that it is a relationship. It is not, but there is no other word; language is really poor. It is at-oneness.”
It is a great time to remind ourselves to go deep in meditation and allow the natural transformation to happen by itself. It is really a
momentous time. We will be supported by the tremendous amount of energy celestially showering upon us.